DO 27 mrt  |  10.00 - 17.00 uur

Libido Love of Life Jaartraining - OpenFloor Embodied Dance - 4 losse modules van 4 dagen

  • Embodied Dance of Life - 5Rhythms & Open Floor | Monika Körschner
  • 27 mrt 2025 t/m 30 mrt 2025 |
  • 2.700,- | residentieel incl. overnachtingen en maaltijden

This Residential Ongoing Group of 4 modules of each 4 days, which can be attended separately or as a whole, gives you the opportunity to spend a year exploring the subtle and not so subtle energies, different textures and themes of sexuality, sensuality and intimacy with a dedicated group.

The 'commitment' of this group becomes a safe and dynamic container that offers support and resources from many perspectives while encouraging vulnerability, authenticity and honesty. This program guides and challenges those who are willing to reach their full potential as a mature, sexual, creative human being. The joy and beauty that this journey can provide makes it worth the challenge, as well as the investment and the risk.

  • During every module there is time to relax and thrive while staying in a beautiful cozy venue in the middle of nature in the eastern part of the Netherlands with an atmosphere of lightness, space and tranquility.
  • This Ongoing Group will be taught in English and Dutch if needed.
  • Experience in dance or bodywork is recommended.

For more information you can take a look at the website of send me an e-mail. Welcome!

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