Massage Memberships - monthly maintenance for your body & mind

Freedom of Movement: massage & bodywork | Vicki Laycock

Personalised massage memberships to support you through every season of life - think of it as monthly maintenance for your body & mind.


Life’s demands can leave you feeling tense, stiff and disconnected from your body. Whether it’s the daily stresses of desk work, the physical and mental load of parenting, overwhelm & burnout or the wear and tear of an active lifestyle, my treatments are tailored to your needs. 


With a background in wellness | deep tissue | sports | vagus nerve massage techniques, I also bring a love of movement and breathwork. Each session is adapted to what your body needs in this moment or season of life, helping you to move and feel better. 


Beyond massage, I also offer movement assessments to identify the root causes of pain and discomfort, so we’re not just relieving tension - we’re working towards lasting change. 


Regular self-care isn’t a luxury; it's what helps you stay ahead of tension, improve mobility and reduce stress so you can feel more like yourself. Your body is your foundation for life’s adventures.

Curious? Visit my website to explore memberships or book a single session.

Over Vicki Laycock

Hi, I’m Vicki, the person behind Freedom of Movement.

I know what it’s like when life’s stresses leave your body and mind out of sync. As a busy mum, trail-runner and massage therapist, I’ve learned first-hand how important it is to take care of yourself - especially when life feels overwhelming. I find balance for my body and mind by being in nature, running/hiking and wild swimming.

My journey into massage and bodywork began with my own need to stay strong, balanced and injury-free. Years of exploring movement, breathwork and recovery led me to develop an approach that combines deep knowledge of the body with an intuitive feel for what you need in the moment.

I draw inspiration from nature - it’s flow, resilience and ability to restore itself. Just like a winding trail or a mountain landscape, the body adapts and changes, and I’m always learning more about how to support that process. I stay curious, continually deepening my knowledge of biomechanics and new massage techniques to bring the best care to every treatment.

Whether you’re here to release tension, restore balance or simply take a break from the demands of daily life, my goal is to support you with treatments that help you feel at home in your body again.

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