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ZA 02 nov  |  17.30 - 19.30 uur

Divine Radiance: Face Yoga & Massage, Cacao connection & Sound Bath

  • Face yoga with Anna | Anna van Neerven
  • 35 | 2 ticket for €60 Bring someone you love with you

Step into the sacred glow of cacao, immerse yourself in the soothing waves of a sound bath, and experience the rejuvenating magic of face yoga and face massage. An evening devoted to self-love!

This evening is a special gift for yourself, where you can engage in gentle movement. The cacao invites you to journey inwards, connecting with your face, body, and soul. We encourage you to open your heart and soften into a crystal sound bath.

  • Guiding you through this magical evening are Hélène from the 8 Moons, Channeler & Ceremonial Facilitator, and Anna, a Face yogi & Holistic beauty practitioner.

During this lovely event, you'll engage in gentle yoga flowing movements, staying close to the ground. We focus on moving the body softly, releasing tension, allowing you to be fully present before indulging in the cacao.

Following the cacao connection, Anna will unfold the magic of face yoga. You'll be guided through face yoga postures, experiencing lymphatic drainage, releasing facial tension, and engaging in postures that uplift your mood, face and spirit.

Towards the end of our session you will have the opportunity to experience a soothing Crystal Sound Bath including a Face Massage. The resonant sounds of the crystal bowls will envelop you and guide you towards a state of inner balance and harmony.

  • Bluebirds Haarlem
    Rozenstraat 5
    2011 LS Haarlem
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